
I have only read 7 books this year. How is that even possible? It feels like I’ve read so many more than that!! I mean, seriously. So, I am going to push to get more reading in during the day. That’s all I can do. I can’t possibly be a good writer of my genre without reading more in it!

Last night, I read from Chapter Seven to Chapter 12 in Blood and Chocolate. God do I love Vivian! I hate Rafe. I really hate Rafe. Heh. He’s such a pervert. He’s worse than any of the Five, and I almost feel sorry for Williem, on of the twins in The Five. Of course, you guys have no idea who these characters are, but if you stick with me long enough through this book, you’ll learn!

Also finally finished the first short story in Bad-Ass Faeries 2. “The Way of the Bone” is eerie, but deliciously captivating. I am going to try and read one short story a night, but I won’t make any promises. Tonight, since it’s Monday, and my TV programming lasts longer than any other night, I will have to read Blood and Chocolate instead. Six chapters a day for Blood and Chocolate. I should be finished with Blood and Chocolate no later than Wednesday, if I read earnestly enough. ^^ I’m so proud of myself.

Oh, and speaking of B & C, don’t see the movie. I sneaked a peek at the movie page on Wikipedia. They completely screwed it up. DO NOT WATCH THE MOVIE!

4 Responses to “Interesting.”

  1. So glad you enjoyed Way of the Bone! I will be sure to forward a link to this post to the author, he will be very glad to hear your comments. Hope you enjoy the rest of the book.

    Just to give you an advance head’s up, it hasn’t really been announced yet, but Mundania Press has picked up both book one and two and plans to expand it into a series. Our next volume will be out sometime next year and is tentatively titled Bad-Ass Faeries 3: In All Their Glory



    • teamjalice1863 Says:

      ^_^ I am so thrilled to see that there are authors on here that actually read what their readers are thinking! I am looking forward to reading the rest of the book! I think we met at ConBust this past year. I am looking to join Broad Universe in the near future too. Thanks for stopping by. I will make sure to write a short review on all of the short stories in the volume, and also purchase Volume 1 at some point. XD

  2. I know I responded privately, but wanted to respond here as well.

    If I don’t look around to see what aspects of the books the readers enjoy I don’t know what works and what doesn’t. You guys help me out a lot when I’m putting together the next book in the series. And it’s a respect thing…you take the time to tell the world about us, and that deserves a personal response. We love hearing from everyone and knowing people enjoy our books.

    Glad to hear that you’re going to check out Broad Universe. (for those that don’t know what that is, it’s an international organization founded to promote the works of women authors in the speculative genres). It has been a big help to me.

    Hope to run into you at a con some day. I wasn’t at ConBust so that was likely Trisha Wooldridge you ran into 🙂



    • teamjalice1863 Says:

      Ahh. yeah, as I mentioned in the email, it probably was her. ^^ I liked Trisha alot. She gave me some great insight, as an aspiring writer myself, I had a ball at ConBust, getting all that knowledge from published writers. ^^

      Yes, I hope to run into you some day, and I must now add your books to my Facebook Visual bookshelf. My friends are going to kill me. LOL.

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